Lynnwood Ladies Golf Club Invites you to Join Us

Are you interested in joining a Golf Club?
Would you like to meet new people who love golf as much as you do?
Would you like to golf with someone of similar ability?
Would you like to have the opportunity to play once a week so you can improve your game? 

We would LOVE to meet you!! 

The Lynnwood Ladies Golf Club is an 18-hole club, with a great group of women of all ages and abilities. Join us for friendly weekly competitions (voluntary),  monthly mixers and monthly tournaments.

Membership is only $95, which includes your yearly GHIN membership and club membership fees. 

We golf every Tuesday, from April through September and are currently accepting applications for the 2025 season. 

First day of golf - Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Applications are available at the Lynnwood Golf Course

Click here to download an application. 

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